2016 Chinese New Year Event

The inaugural Palo Alto Chinese New Year Fair (CNY Fair) was successfully held on Feb. 21, 2016. More than 1,200 Chinese immigrants and residents of various ethnicities came to the Fair to celebrate Chinese New Year together. “Palo Alto Weekly,” a local influential newspaper reported on the event twice. In addition, KQED also reported on this great event.

In comparison to many Chinese New Year celebration events that are attended only by Chinese, this CNY Fair is designed as a community building event for all Palo Alto residents. The theme for the Fair is “Share Festivity, Build Community.” The Fair is also an opportunity to showcase Chinese culture, to promote giving back to the community, and to build friendships among Palo Alto residents of different ethnicities.

Palo Alto Mayor Patrick Burt and PAUSD Superintendent Max McGee both gave speeches at the opening event, and then stayed to enjoy the Fair. Mayor Burt found himself learning a new game at the Majong table while Superintendent McGee, wearing a charming Chinese gown, made fast friends. Fair goers enjoyed over two hours’ non-stop performances of Chinese singing and dancing, the art of Chinese calligraphy, dumpling making, Chinese chess, and a variety of other fun Chinese cultural activities. And there was no shortage of delicious and various home-made Chinese New Year finger foods to sample.

The Fair generated $4,000 income through food sales. All of the proceeds were donated to the PTA Council to support programs that help Palo Alto students. The Fair also set an example of the Chinese community giving back to the entire local community.

This grass roots effort was organized by the Palo Alto Neighborhood WeChat Group and the Palo Alto Chinese Parents’ Group. The most significant achievement of the Fair was to get the City of Palo Alto on board to co-sponsor the event and make the Fair an event for the whole city. The Fair was fully supported by the local Chinese business community and generous donors. The success of this CNY Fair also introduced the Chinese New Year celebration into the local mainstream culture.

Palo Alto首庙中国新年庙会于2016年2月21曰举行并大获成功。一千二百多名华人和各族裔Palo Alto居民欢聚一堂,共庆中国新年。当地最有影响的报纸Palo Alto Weekly做了两次报到。另外KQED也提前报到了这次盛会。

本庙会最大亮点是把庆春节做为整个Palo Alto社区的活动,而不是华人移民的自娱自乐聚会。体现庙会“庆祝新年,共建社区”的主题。并利用这个机会向主流社会宣传中国文化,展现华人关心社区形象,促进华人与社区其他族裔居民交流和建立友谊。

Palo Alto市长Patrick Burt和学区总监Max McGee都在百忙中敢来致贺词,并兴高采烈地逛庙会。市长打起麻将,总监穿着唐装到处拉老乡。庙会期间参加者兴致洋洋地欣赏精彩中国歌午,亲身体验中国书画,下棋,麻将,品茶,剪纸和风水算命,品尝土豪蛋,天津驴打滚,陕西肉夹馍,上海生煎等等美食。大家不亦乐呼。

庙会还将当天$4000收入全部捐献给Palo Alto学区PTA总部, 展现华人积极为社区做贡献的精神。

本庙会由PA邻里群和家长群华人民间组织筹办,特别值得自豪的是庙会的场地得到Palo Alto市的赞助,庙会全部费用来自Palo Alto当地商家和热心华人赞助。为美国华人把庆春节引进主流社会建立了一个成功的榜样。


Special Thanks to Sponsors & Volunteers of this Event

Co-sponsor: City of Palo Alto

Gold Sponsors: Juliana Lee, Deleon Realty

Silver Sponsors: Karen Young, Ivymax

Bronze Sponsors: Linda Xu, JingjingGuo, United Studio of Self Defense, Sophia Xu, Yanjie Dong

Community Sponsors: Lan Liu, Dory Ding, QimingCai, Suhong Eatery, Joey Gu, Barbara & Ray Hing, Karena Li

Fair Co-chairs: Jack Sun, Debra Cen, Amy Yang, Jeff Chen, Jieming Lin Robinson

Fair Host Committee: Jieming Robinson, Jeff Chen, Liz Dong, Monica YeungArima, Jennifer Liu, Debra Cen, Ann Xu, Amy Yang, Betty Ge, Victoria Liu, Qing Xiao, Lilly Chiu, 吴穗琼皮皮蝦, Nelson Ng, Jack Sun, Keyi克怡, Jun Tang and their teams

Fair Finger Food Chefs/Coordinators: 吴穗琼, Jenny Q, 小象飞飞, Yue, 麻麻刘伟, Tiffany Pan, Wenyi Shao, Lilly Chiu, Lela Wong, Janet Li, Jennifer G, Kathy Fan, Ivy Liu, WenjunShen and their teams

Fair Art & Culture Exhibition Booth Coordinators: Lilly Chiu, Victoria Liu, Olive Su, Helen Li, 刘伟, Angela Xu, 王琦郑丽芳, Fortune Teller &FengShui Master YC Sun, Paul Cai and their teams

Fair Performance Artists: Hui Li, Betty Ge, Mandy, Qing Yuan, Du Li ,葛苹张丹阳罗曼志华尹欧戴飒尹健柳云海悦丽丽, Lily Liu, HaiYing Lu, Jeff Chen, Alex Yap, Cassie Chen, Catherine Cai, Elaine Cao and her students, LiLy Hu, Meng Sui, Kaitlin Chiu, Lucia Dong, Michelle Tang, Stella Wan, and Jennifer Zhuge, Rongchun Ye, Shufen Tan, Kylie Liu, EdlynHsueh, 蓝豆许苓蓓一度, Nancy and their teams.

Fair Flyer & Program: Fiona Yang, Yifei Zhang 张伊菲(Grade 7, Jordan Middle School)

Fair Photographers: Jay Zhu